Born in 1973
Lives and works in Amiens, France. Graduated School of Arts and Design - DNSEP
Public collection
Museum, Soissons
One person exhibitions
2018 - "Paintings and drawings" Gallery L'imprimerie, Amiens, France.
2016 - "Les Métamorphoses d’Ovide" Gallery Dufois, Paris, France.
2015 - "Paintings of François Glineur" Gallery Phi2, Villamblard, France.
2014 - "Circonvolutions" Gallery Dufois, Senlis, France.
2013 - Gallery of Cutural Center of Soissons, France
2012 - Gallery Fernandes, Paris, France.
2011 - Gallery Evelyne Heno, Paris
Gallery Dufois, Senlis, France.
2010 - Gallery Esad, Amiens, France.
Gallery of Cutural Center of Abbeville, France
2008 - Gallery Christine Phal, Paris.
Gallery Dufois, Senlis, France.
2006 - Gallery Daeppen.
2005 - Gallery "La nouvelle galerie", Grenoble,France
2004 - Gallery Le Guevel Frédéric, Saint Brieuc. France
Gallery Daeppen Daeppen.
2003 - Gallery Daeppen, Bâle, Swiss.
Group exhibitions
2022 - Gallery ToTem, « Carnavals : visions d’un temps suspendu » œuvres issues du fonds de l’Artothèque des Bibliothèques d’Amiens Métropole, France
2021 : Gallery Flox Dresde, Allemagne.
2020 - Gallery Dodet, Toulouse, France
2019 - "Animals", Gallery Ricardo Fernandes, Paris, France
"François Glineur,Thomas Groslier, Alain Mongrenier", Gallery Yvert, Amiens, France
2017 - "L'orée Fertile",Gallery Autres Caps, Beuvrequen, France
2016 - "Dialogue",Gallery Dufois, Paris, France
2015 - "Collectif03",Gallery Dufois, Senlis, France
2013 - "Collectif01",Gallery Dufois, Senlis, France
2009 - "Live in Picardie", Museum Arsenal, Soissons, France
2008 - Monos Art Gallery, Liège, Belgium.
2007 - "It's my painting”, Gallery Christine Phal, Paris. France.
2006 - "Queer”, Gallery Daeppen.
2003 - "Small”, Gallery Daeppen.
2002 - "Obsession”, Gallery Daeppen, Bâle, Swiss.
Art Fairs
2022 - Art Fair Francfort
2016 - Art up show, Rouen, France
2008 -«The salon of contemporary drawings», Paris, France
2003 - 2006 - International fair contemporary art
“Art Frankfurt”, Germany - Zurich, Swiss - Berlin, Germany.
Art Auction
2014 - Drouot show, Paris, France